

A new world unwinds before you today, Even though, it’s been anticipated, It’s here now, At this time, Today,   It all probably feels surreal, That today, newly engaged, new to this constellation, A new life, Gianni James has graced your lives,   With many...
My Dearest Soul Sister Carmi

My Dearest Soul Sister Carmi

It’s been almost thirty years, Crafting Our beautiful friendship together, We’ve been more like soul sisters, Witnessing the chapters of our lives unfold, Preserving secrets that only our hearts share, We’ve loved our times together, Even the tipsy ones, And today, As...


It’s the love for hair, In all its styles, All it’s hues, A celebration, Fun, Glamour, A makeover every now and again, And even a glass of bubbly, To share, But most of all, It’s about the Gorgeous Lynne and her Talented team, The love for everyone who walks into...
Maria’s New Beginning

Maria’s New Beginning

Little Baby Boy, You’re almost here, It’s time to tell you a little about your mum, She’s a sweet soul, Committed to God and to Spirit, She’s loving, She has an unmistakable laugh, That resonates from her heart, She’s absolutely passionate, determined and strong, In...
Crystal Child

Crystal Child

Tayla Braaf, she’s a young, vibrant, dynamic young woman, whom I’ve had the pleasure to know the past year or so, she’s inspired me to write in so many ways. She designed an emblem for my writing, for future use in my poems, my own signature in a way, how special is...
Lulibo‘s 13th

Lulibo‘s 13th

From one surprise to another, one of my fellow BWA colleagues connected me to another one, a fellow Circle of Champions member. She was looking for a special gift for her 13-year-old granddaughter residing in Johannesburg. Once again, my passion for words was tested,...