Our precious blessing arrived one year ago,

We were elated,

Our dreams had just begun,


We’ve watched you grow these past months,

With wonder,


And Awe,


There have been many a later night,

Or an early morning,

And sometimes just a few hours to rest,

You’ve been keeping us busy,

But we would not change anything,

We’re stronger,

And we love you more,


As you turn one today,

We love your smile,

Your laugh,

Your playtime,

We’re looking forward to see you take your first step,

We’ll be delighted to hear your first actual word,

There’s so much of love we have around us,

Because you are here,

You are our world,

Our dreams,

Our true blessing from the heavens above,

And we only wish that all that life has to offer you,



Just know always that we love you,

God loves you,


Happy 1st Birthday, Gianni ❤️