This past week has taken a while for me to digest. So here I am, in a new week, still reflective.
It all began with my eldest, successfully taking her learner’s license, yep, it’s begun.
That moment, one of many, where you know, life is about to change, it’s time to let go, at least the formal process has begun.
If that was not enough, my mind was awoken again, on the next night, sitting in the midst, of a Matric information evening.
As we sat there, reminiscing as photographs of childhood faces, lit up the screen, we were reminded that these were now ‘young adults’.
By this evening, I needed that drink, something familiar, the all-time favorite G&T, to calm my soul, perhaps a familiar taste to drown out all the new, unfamiliar…
We spent a wonderful evening with our family friends, our kids, in the same grade now. We recalled, their first moments, their childhood, and whilst we know the sands of time, we still sat in wonder, in the company of our ‘young adults’ now.
We refreshed in the delight of a beautiful mid-week storm, thank goodness!
The third stroke came this past Saturday, the first driving lesson, yeah, note to self, time to show your strength, Mum, smile, be happy. Happy I am, but yet, as the soft rain caressed my windscreen, and our favorite song, played in the car, somewhere, deep inside, there was this realism that life will never be the same again.
My poetic reflection, ‘Letting go’ is this week’s offering and is dedicated to you, my Trishara❤️. It’s deeply personal, and for those of you out there, who are like me, have a matriculant in the house, or have the ‘been there, done that’ T-shirt, this will resonate.
There’s definitely a lesson in all this, moments in life, are special, cherish the time, relish the smiles, enjoy the energy, enjoy the feeling, enjoy the company, enjoy the music, enjoy the rain!
Let me shift gears for now, and talk Pralene Poetry. In the next two weeks, we have the honor of being present at Vincent Park Fashion Week, poetry, art and fashion will be the order of the days…our thanks to TC Model Management and Chantal Pillay for the opportunity. More details to follow in next week’s blog.
Have a fabulous week, everyone!