

Canaan, Nestled within the sanctuary of East London, And it’s serene suburbs, Is a Care Centre, For the special amongst us, Who most times do not have a voice, They may not ever walk, They may not even ride a bicycle, Or fill in a coloring book, But hearts of gold,...


A humble start, In the townships, Of Uitenhage, Loved dearly by grandparents, Encouraged to dream, To live her best life possible,   Growing up, Deshun loved ‘Heidi‘ The little Swiss girl, Living, climbing the Alps, And Sir Edmund Hillary, The first...
Current @ 6

Current @ 6

Conceived on a run, Through, Cape St. Francis, Brainstorming and Ideation, With special friends, With much laughter, Rolling through their souls, Fresh, clean air, To clear, all things past, A new concept, A new company, Was birthed,   Current Consulting, A...
Jade‘s Flowers

Jade‘s Flowers

All hues of pink, red and green, You are, Beautiful, Yet, Serene, You’ve found Jade, She’s been waiting, Wondering, When you will appear, And now that you here, You here to stay, You may not see it yet, As gorgeous as you are, That you’re healing, Providing comfort,...
I’m Wendy

I’m Wendy

I’m Wendy Today is my 16th Birthday, I feel I’ve lived a life beyond my years, There have been many lessons so far, and I’m sure there‘s plenty more, I’m an explorer, I love adventure, Big or small, I’m in, People, all ages, All cultures, are my first love ❤️, Or is...
Exotic Marigold

Exotic Marigold

Sometimes, you have to just, let go, just be… Find the silence, Within, Feel, With your soul, Breathe in Stillness, Breathe out, All that must go, Find beauty, In simple playfulness, In the vintage, In renewed tradition, In intricacy, In opulence, Life is here,...